*** 20th Anniversary: 2004 to 2024 ***


by Amanda

Downhill Racing

Downhill Racing

it was so much fun because me and my family went down this hill and I did wanty to go but I still did and it was so asome. went so fast that coulden't even stop myself. I went over jumps littled hills Ieven almost hit a tree my brother he was right behinded me and when we hit the bottm we almost both hit each other.

my mom and dad went down on a snow broed and me and my brother went down on sikis.My grandma did go down the hill but she was on the sied where no one could hit whell they where comeing down.my uncle he came down so fast that he had the wind in his face so hard when he got to the bottom he almost fanted.my ather uncl he came down so slow that he looked like a biginer. my ant she came down fastere then my uncel.my coisen she went to the couse because she wass little.i had so much that i will never forget it.

Barry's Response - Sounds like the family event not to be missed. Glad you enjoyed it.

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by: Murugan

This is the article that portrays snow people mind in racing.

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