*** 20th Anniversary: 2004 to 2024 ***

Where is Canada

by Hariharan

Right next to India?  Not quite.

Right next to India? Not quite.

Hellow Sir, At the outset, I am an Indian. I am glad to see your nice web page www.calgary-city-maps.com/calgary-homes-for-sale.html.

It is an exclusive web site and really useful especially for land seekers, students etc. Your map is excellent. But one thing that is in the about us column which is either incomplete or extra completed.

Incomplete is more correct because who is that good gentlemen Mr.Ralph Klein - Alberta Premier from 1992-2006. Is he the founder of this website. Secondly in the About Us, It is written that I am married to the greatest of all women

............. who is I ?. I have to write more about your website. More over I can give you 90% mark. However I am extremely sorry for giving little distress. I hope, the website will soon overcome all negativeness. Regards, email: hariharan405@gmail.com

Barry's Response - Well, Thanks Hariharan. This site is provided to help newcomers to our fair city. Come give us a visit sometime. We have quite a few Indian people here already and I think they enjoy it.

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